2018 Waterfowl Migration (part 2) + forest friends

The beautiful Male Hooded Merganser! I'm outta here! Hooded Merganser Pair Group of Hooded Mergansers, Canvasbacks, and Scaups Male Hooded Merganser in the sun, with a pair of Hooded Mergansers and a female Common Merganser in behind Group of 10 Buffleheads! Pair of Female Lesser Scaups Bufflehead pair with sleeping Canvasbacks and a female Lesser Scaup Group of Male Redheads basking in the sun Soaking in some Vitamin D Hairy Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Common Mergansers Male Lesser Scaup taking a drink Male Common Goldeneye Female Common Goldeneye in flight A little blurry, but an early Ring-necked Duck pair sighting! Black-capped Chickadee