
Showing posts from April, 2018



2018 Earth Day Hike

North 42 Degrees Winery Spring Hike Budding Mayflower Solomon Seal buds Hawk feathers Anemones waking up! Budding Trillium Yummy campfire lunch and wine!     Lovely day spent with a lovely friend! :)

2018 Waterfowl Migration (part 5) + more

Finally, our first Snowy Owl!!! Ruddy Duck! Male Blue-winged Teal Male Common Loon Immature Horned Grebe Female Golden-crowned Kinglet Brown Thrasher Wild Rose Hip Siberian Squill Male House Finch (photo credit to my dad) These guys never get old! Um, hello... can i borrow some nuts, please? As much as squirrels drive us nuts, they are pretty cute up close!