
Showing posts from April, 2019

Spring Hike at North 42 Degrees Winery

Great day to "get our hike on!!" 2 of MANY rows getting ready for the growing season Prepping the vines for ultimate success! Experts with a lot of tedious work ahead of them!! We were lucky enough to spot a rainbow above us Type of Equisetum (in the horse tail family) Trout Lillies Wild violets Yellow wild violet Different stages of Jack in the Pulpit Up-close view of the layers on a Hackberry tree Spring Beauties Yet another colour of Violet Coyote skull May Apple blossom opening soon! So interesting, yet no one knew what it was?? Any ideas? More Trout Lillies Ontario's beautiful Trilium! The outdoor kitchen Homemade chili and cheese with fresh bread Beautiful Blood Root A Wonderful way to explore local flora and appreciate what our region has to offer! Thank you to the Gorski's for offeri...

2019 Earth Day Hike @ Point Pelee

Anemones with a flying friend! (Red Admiral Butterfly) Horned Grebe Sprouting Mayapples   Ruby-Crowned Kinglet A pretty Painted Lady! Female Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Friendly Red Admiral! Male Blue-Headed Vireo Wild Scilla Hermit Thrush Mother Nature's shag carpet! Male Bobolink Garter Snake sunning himself Narrow-Leaved Spring Beauty Flower Mother Barn Swallow guarding her nest Painted Turtles Crappie Dutchman's Breeches Participated in a beach cleanup on the West Beach at Point Pelee in support of Earth Day!