2019 Festival of Birds (Warbler Migration) - 3

Extremely tame Blackburnian Warbler on the north side of the Visitor's Centre parking lot! Actually landed on a man's foot!

Hi there!

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Least Bittern sitting tight at the Point - a first for us!

Canada Warbler - searched for over 12 hours, and finally found him on our way out of the park!

Hooded Warbler - happy to be the one that found him!

Blue-winged Warbler. This was the only shot we managed to get of this elusive warbler. Discovered him ourselves just before finding the Hooded Warbler!

Least Flycatcher

Black-and-White Warbler checking out the lens!

Black-throated Blue Warbler having a midday snack

Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Palm Warbler

Gray Catbird

Yellow Warbler

Ovenbird - tough to find!

Male Common Yellowthroat

Finally, a Morel! We were lucky to spot this little guy on the forest floor!


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