Spring in full swing! (part 5)

Black-crowned Night Heron

Wild Columbine

Red-headed Woodpecker

Blackpoll Warbler

Fledgling American Robin

Mourning Warbler

Common Nighthawk: hard to find and hard to describe! It's a primarily nocturnal hunter that can be found "sleeping" (or roosting) on branches in the daytime.

Wood Thrush

Flowering crabapple

Mute Swan parents and their cygnets!

Female Prothonotary Warbler

Momma American Robin with not much room to spare! Notice the little beak poking out from under her :)

Philadelphia Vireo


Horned Lark

Great Egret

Black-capped Chickadee collecting nesting material from the reeds!

Semipalmated Sandpipers

Muskrat with a tasty snack

Our first sighting of a big group of tadpoles!

Flowering Mayapple


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